“Keep Moving Forward and Upward / Press On!”
The context for our theme comes from the many challenges we face today. Many of us are discouraged due to COVID sickness & deaths, the rising costs of food and gas, the war in Eastern Europe, mass shootings in Buffalo, Uvalde & elsewhere, racial & political discord, and so much more. Yes, we question what lies ahead. It is easy to get stuck in today and not have optimism for tomorrow. Hopefully, today’s Baccalaureate message will challenge you. Whether you are an H.S. graduate, a Jr. College graduate, receiving your B.A., your M.A., your Ph.D., or are simply traveling through life. I pray that you will be challenged to move forward. Whether you have graduated Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Suma Cum Laude or are pressing through life, saying Thank you, Lord, for my challenge to you is to keep moving forward and push toward that upward goal of the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus!